About Us
The University of Hawaiʻi School of Public Health Alumni Association has been working to advance public health and public health training in the State of Hawaiʻi for over 30 years. As a local chapter, we provide mentorship support, training, participate in collaborative activities with the School and with other public health organizations in the community, and offer student scholarships.
Our Mission: To advance public health in Hawaiʻi and the Asia-Pacific region by training and supporting the professional development of our members.
We fulfill our Mission in partnership with students, faculty and friends through accomplishing three goals:
Goal 1: The promotion of public health education and training;
Goal 2: Support for public health policies, programs, and infrastructure
Goal 3: The provision of valuable services to our members and partners.
Goal 1: Promote Health Education and Training
Build and maintain a prestigious scholarship program for public health students;
Provide input on education and training needs
Advocate for the rebirth of an accredited school of public health at the University of Hawaiʻi.
Goal 2: Support public health policies, programs and infrastructure
Develop a public health policy consensus with public health stakeholders (e.g. UH, DOH, HPHA, SOPHE, etc) and pursue an integrated policy promotion strategy such as networking, legislative advocacy, position papers, press releases
Aid public health programming in accordance with organizational policies through in kind and monetary resources
Enhance linkages between the academic and professional public health communities.
Goal 3: Provide valuable services to our members and partners.
Offer communication and networking services to members through use of newsletters, electronic resources, and special events
Support student activities and organizations
Provide internships/practicum placements
Assist in career development of members and other public health professionals through the provision of continuing education, networking, job announcements, and the development of public health competencies.
“We accomplish our mission in partnership with UH students, faculty, and friends through the promotion of public health education and training; support for public health policies, programs and infrastructure, and value-added services to our members and partners.
The Association’s priority is to work with the University of Hawaiʻi, the Hawaiʻi State Department of Health, our public health colleagues and the community at-large to serve as a center for public health training, research, and services for Hawaiʻi.
While this effort continues to be the focus of our mission, we cannot neglect our responsibility to facilitate healthier communities through the legislative process“.
- Kirk Lang, Former UHSPHAA President
Image courtesy of Nohoʻana Farm @nohoanafarm